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Partnership is an integral part of our ability to improve the lives of our clients. We work with a wide range of partner organisations to provide a comprehensive and impactful service to the most excluded individuals.
Transforming over 21,500 lives isn't down to just one organisation. We work closely with partners to provide the best possible support to our clients. Watch this video to learn more about how our partnership with VANL and ReelTime Music has helped us change lives.
It isn’t possible to mention every one of them within this website by name, but we have over 60 wonderful partners, of varying sizes, working with us across the region on different programmes to support people facing varied personal challenges returning to work or seeking their first job.

Our Partnership with North Lanarkshire Council
In 2016, we became a wholly-owned Arms-Length External Organisation (ALEO) of North Lanarkshire Council. We also benefit from "Teckal" status, which strengthens our ability to provide vital services to the North Lanarkshire Council area.

Collaborating with the Third Sector
Routes To Work closely partners with Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire, finding relevant support and employment opportunities for our clients.
We also work with a range of third sector organisations to offer a joined-up approach to transforming lives.

Local Employability Partnership
Routes To Work actively contributes to the Local Employability Partnership, which unites partner organisations across North Lanarkshire to respond to local needs and improve the integration of seamless employability services.

Providing Support for Our Clients
We work with a range of partners, including charities, housing associations, local businesses, therapy services and self-employed individuals, to ensure our clients have the wrap-around support they need to achieve their goals and move into employment.
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