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New programmes, same motivation

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No One Left Behind -
previously Young Person’s Guarantee

Our Young Person’s Guarantee evolved into No One Left Behind (NOLB) Youth Provision including school delivery. 

The No One Left Behind strategy is Scotland's approach to delivering more flexible and person-centred employability services. 


It aims to ensure that support is tailored to individual needs, helping people overcome barriers to employment. 


The policy focuses on partnership working between local authorities, service providers, and communities to create better outcomes for those furthest from the labour market. 


Routes To Work has secured funding through this initiative, allowing us to enhance our efforts in meeting clients where they are and providing the necessary support for sustainable employment.


Working For Families -
previously Prospects for Parents

Prospects for Parents (PFP) became Working For Families (WFF).

Lessons taken from our European Social Fund (ESF) and Community Renewal Fund (CRF) delivery helped shape the vision for how Routes To Work would deliver the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Working For Families is our parental employability support programme delivering services to unemployed parents and parents on low incomes who are in employment.

We held our first WFF event in Motherwell back in February.

Shared Prosperity Fund - previously European Social Fund

Last year saw the end of the European Social Fund (ESF) and a move to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF). 

North Lanarkshire Council and Routes To Work took this opportunity to redesign and rebuild upon our employability and skills programmes from ESF. 

The design of the programme allowed us to bring our local knowledge and experience to deliver better outcomes for residents in North Lanarkshire. 

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is the government’s domestic replacement for the European Structural and Investment Programme (ESIF). 

It provides local authorities funding for communities, places, businesses, people and skills. 

The main aim of the fund is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the country. This aim is to support the ambitions of the Levelling Up White Paper from the UK Government.

At Routes To Work we have been chosen to deliver under two strands:

SPF31 Working Matters
formerly Community Renewal Fund

SPF31 Working Matters is a place-based community engagement project. 

A team will focus on engaging with economically inactive residents within a particular ward of North Lanarkshire, with a focus on supporting individuals who may not be actively seeking work or even considering coming to Routes To Work. 

We started a six-month pilot project in Newmains, Coatbridge and Motherwell which helped 110 local residents, with 34 people finding jobs and 13 others getting training. 


The team offered support with building confidence, interpersonal skills and access to services before training on CV writing, interview practice, and job searches to people who faced challenges in finding work.

One person, Robert, said:


"Without the help of Routes To Work, I wouldn’t have had the confidence or skills to get back into work."


This project shows how meeting people Where They Are can make a big difference in people's lives and job opportunities.

North Lanarkshire’s Working

SPF35 “North Lanarkshire’s Working” is support for residents to access employability programmes and advice. 

The project supports unemployed people to overcome barriers and move back towards the labour market. 

This also includes tailored support to help people in employment, who are not supported by mainstream provision to address barriers to accessing education and training courses. 

The programme has put a particular focus and specialist thematic provision in place for particular groups; those with barriers related to health, housing, criminal justice, aged 50+ and long term unemployment.

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