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Destination Success Programme: A pilot study

Launched in November 2023, the Destination Success pilot programme targets school leavers at risk of not reaching their goals beyond the education system.

Initially, the programme faced challenges in gaining traction among five identified schools - Airdrie Academy, Caldervale High School, Coatbridge High School, St Ambrose High School, and St Margaret's High School. 

However, after persistent engagement with schools and parents, Routes To Work successfully enrolled 58 participants out of 62 referrals.

The programme provides weekly contact for at least the first 13 weeks, during which young people receive mentorship, career guidance, and support with job applications.


One participant said: “The whole Destination Success Programme has been so helpful and motivating - it really has helped me stay on track!”

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30 students enrolled in college

The pilot’s success is reflected in its impressive statistics. By May 2024, 94% of participants remained on track, with many achieving significant milestones:

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12 secured full or
part-time employment

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7 obtained nationally recognised customer service certificates

One person told us they overcame social anxiety and depression with the programme's support, eventually becoming a Boxercise Trainer and participating in a national media campaign.

Another participant, previously made redundant, quickly found new employment due to the programme's intervention.

The young people particularly appreciated the personalised approach, with one saying: “I liked the way that the Destination Success Programme was personalised and considered my own individual needs rather than just being a generic programme.”

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Youth Services

Routes to Work deliver a variety of employability and skills provision to all North Lanarkshire young people, with each of our services evolving from our engagement with local schools, partners and - most importantly - our young people. 


In addition to this, we analyse school leaver destinations data and the annual participation measures to ensure that the provision is meeting the needs of our young people and at the right time.

Our two main programmes being delivered at present are:

Destination Unknown

Which is an early intervention and employability programme supporting young people who are at risk of not achieving a post school positive destination, as well as those young people who have left school and are seeking to progress into employment, education and training.

Destination Success

A programme designed to support young people who are on the cusp of leaving school and have secured a post school positive destination but who may be at risk of either not commencing this and/or sustaining their initial positive destination.

Both programmes offer young people a holistic approach to their journey with an initial assessment agreeing their needs and intensive action plans being created collaboratively with our young people to meet those needs. 


Our young people will be offered access to early intervention support, along with personal and social development which ultimately leads to their progression into their chosen positive destination. 


The final part of the support provides intensive positive destination support for at least six months to assist their transition and sustainment prospects.


In addition to our main programmes, we are also partnering with education colleagues and Skills Development Scotland to deliver the Pathways Programme to young people in their final 6 months at school. 


This partnership allows our young people access to an initiative designed for young people who are early school leavers, to enable them to build employability skills and support them on their way to a positive destination, whether that's work, further education or training. 


Under this programme, young people can gain a range of qualifications and get access to different types of support, in groups or on a one-to-one basis. 


Our Skills Team aims to help them build up the knowledge and skills that they will need to progress and flourish in the working world.

We support a range of high schools in North Lanarkshire. The pupils are supported in a variety of ways, including:

Building their knowledge of employment

CVs & interview help

Expectations of the working world

Wellbeing & confidence

Opportunities to gain SQA & REHISS qualifications, such as the SQA Employability Award & Food Hygiene

Employer of choice

In a rapidly changing working world, our team has demonstrated that they can adapt and are committed to their jobs and, more importantly, to our clients.

Our 2023 Organisational Culture Assessment revealed a strong preference for a collaborative culture, increasing from 18% in 2011/12 to 33% in 2023. 

This shift shows that we have a greater focus on teamwork, effective relationships, and personal development.

Our 2023 Hybrid Working Review highlighted the positive impact on staff well-being, with 60% of employees expressing satisfaction with the current model. 

However, recognising the need for role-specific arrangements, we are ensuring client-facing roles maintain higher in-office presence to support effective service delivery. We are keeping our clients at the forefront of our minds.

Key statistics from our Staff Feedback Survey reflect our robust organisational health: 91% of staff are proud to work for us, and 83% would recommend us as an employer - fantastic to hear! These figures illustrate a strong internal culture and employee endorsement.

It was so important for us to complete these reviews of how we work and what our culture is, as we continue to put clients first and seek to expand our work!

This year we launched the Different and Better Awards, to celebrate innovative and impactful contributions from our staff!

These fell into four categories:

Category 1: Excellent customer service


Jane Spiers

For her dedication in rearranging annual leave to help clients apply for jobs, providing tailored support and training, which resulted in 21 parents securing employment opportunities!


Sharon Pollock

For her work in helping a client facing anti-social behaviour secure new housing, collaborating with external partners like Citizens Advice Bureau and the local councillor, and supporting the client into employment.

Category 2: Taking actions above and beyond the call of duty


Laura Henderson
& Leah Devine

For their quick thinking and organisation when an office emergency disrupted a planned employer event, ensuring all clients were rebooked, resulting in positive feedback from both the employer and attendees.


Jade Acheson

For her exceptional support of a homeless client, connecting them to key services such as a clinical nurse practitioner, GP and social work, and sourcing immediate help like a food package, leaving the client in a much better place.

Category 3: Performance improvement and innovation


Ava Morris &
Elle Smith

For creating a helpful IT guide that saved time for colleagues, improving efficiency and allowing more time to be spent on client services.

Category 4: Exceptional contribution and teamwork


Helena Groblena

For supporting a non-English-speaking client by registering them with the service and helping them apply for a volunteering role, demonstrating commitment to client care.


Kirsty McCabe

For leading a project with NHS Lanarkshire and North Lanarkshire Council to help 30 parents into employment, coordinating services and working closely with recruitment managers and teams.

Well done to all our award winners, who used collaborative, innovative working models, and met clients' needs beyond employment, exemplifying our theme for this year’s report, Where They Are.


Light up red for World Encephalitis Day

2023 ERSA Award winner Gary Swan

Last year we featured the inspiring story of Gary who had, despite being diagnosed with a serious condition called Encephalitis, worked hard to get himself back into the workplace, with some support from Routes To Work.


Since then, Gary has gone on to win the prestigious Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) Achiever of the Year Award 2023!


And no wonder too - Gary’s journey is inspiring!


Gary had long-worked in the hospitality industry, serving customers each day, until his life took an unexpected turn. 


In 2021, he was diagnosed with Encephalitis. As a result of this, Gary struggled with short-term memory loss, facial blindness and challenges that come with that in daily life, and had to give up working.


But despite this, Gary was determined to live a life on his terms. 

“Unfortunately,  I was unable to work when I fell ill, but my brain team suggested Routes To Work as a support method to get back into work,” Gary said.


Supported by his loving family and the dedicated team at Routes To Work, Gary embarked on a journey of rehabilitation and rediscovery. 


Our team provided support, instilling confidence and offering tailored assistance every step of the way.

Reflecting on it, Gary said: “I know a lot of other patients just can't work; they don't have the confidence to put themselves out there for fear of not knowing what's going to happen next.

“I don't know if I'd have been able to go back to work without Routes To Work.”


We are so proud of the journey Gary has been on and the resilience he has shown despite his illness.


Unfortunately, awareness of Encephalitis and the effect it can have on people is very low. 


So on 22 February 2024, World Encephalitis Day, we lit up Buchanan Tower in Stepps in a bright red colour, as Edinburgh Castle and other landmarks around the world did the same. 

Read more about this on our blog:



Motherwell Jobs Fair - a new way of meeting people Where They Are!

Back in February, we held a jobs fair in Motherwell for locals to connect with employers and explore job opportunities.


Thirteen interactive tables were set up at the fair for employers to showcase their job vacancies, for partner organisations to support individuals in their job search, and our team to assist anyone in need with their CVs and registration with Routes To Work.


Thanks to the hard work of our brilliant team, this event was a resounding success, with employers noting high engagement at their stands!


Lidl, one of the participating companies, reported that they had set up 16 interviews and 6 job starts as a direct result of the event!

Interestingly, one of the attendees who had previously been rejected was encouraged to reapply at the fair and has now been given a start date with them.

Working For Families in Bellshill

Back in February, we held a jobs fair in Motherwell for locals to connect with employers and explore job opportunities.


Thirteen interactive tables were set up at the fair for employers to showcase their job vacancies, for partner organisations to support individuals in their job search, and our team to assist anyone in need with their CVs and registration with Routes To Work.


Thanks to the hard work of our brilliant team, this event was a resounding success, with employers noting high engagement at their stands!


Cooking on a Budget Workshop

Our recent Cooking on a Budget Workshop was a great success, where attendees learned not just how to cook a delicious meal but also about meal prep, hygiene and budgeting too.


Sadly, you’ll just have to imagine how good it smelled!

Wear It Pink Day

Back in February, we held a jobs fair in Motherwell for locals to connect with employers and explore job opportunities.


Thirteen interactive tables were set up at the fair for employers to showcase their job vacancies, for partner organisations to support individuals in their job search, and our team to assist anyone in need with their CVs and registration with Routes To Work.


Thanks to the hard work of our brilliant team, this event was a resounding success, with employers noting high engagement at their stands!


Newmains community event - supporting people where they are

We’re really excited about our continued work in Newmains, and this event held back in August 2023, in partnership with Newmains Community Trust, was just one of many opportunities we’ve had to support this community to more than just meaningful employment!


Thanks to all the partner organisations that attended - a great day had by all!

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A Registered Scottish Charity No SC033698

Company No. SC238030

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